Efficiency in problem solving

From "grüb it" to conflict management:

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Success through professionalism

from customer loyalty to the business plan

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Evaluation of potential

From new opportunities to the analysis of the competitors

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Use and performance

From sales talks to concessions

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Experience in product management

From products to congress reports

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Product launch

A new product to be introduced or a well-tried again to get a fresh kick.

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Market analysis

Your company plans to enter a new business segment.

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Publications are an important marketing tool. But are they interpreted correctly?

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Interpretation of Publications

Sales-supporting folders - from conception to low-cost printing!read more

A new product should be launched, but your own resources are limited. From prelaunch to sales and sales planning to the necessary accompanying measures, everything should come from a single source - and as quickly as possible. I like to support you

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Efficiency by Professionalism EPconsult

Your company plans to enter a new business segment. It has to be clarified quickly, what chances and potential the market offers, whether an entry is lucrative or better not. Internal resources are often not available during this phase. I like to support you.

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Evaluation of Potential EPconsult

Urgent sales support folders are required, which correspond to the Austrian AMG and the Pharmig guidelines. I like to support you - from the conceptual to the low-cost production

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Engagement and Performance EPconsult
Sales supporting publications are an important marketing tool. But are they also correctly interpreted and is the product statements worked out accordingly? I like to support you.

Let´s talk about it
Experience in Productmanagement EPconsult